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yugengaisya omni

Government ID verified

本年6月15日から民泊事業法が施行されたことで不動産業として 各オーナー様 入居者様のよきパートナーとしてお役に立てればと考え、
不動産の売買 賃貸 仲介 管理 及び 賃貸マンション 駐車場の経営をするために下記免許を取得しました。
住宅宿泊管理業者 国土交通大臣(01)第F00323号

All User

Open for all user. Anybody can see in your public profile.

Only You

Only visible to you.

Input a valid zipcode, and the address will be automatically inputted.


If you can visit somewhere, check this.

Take it easy!

You can communicate with guests as you like.
You can reject delivery request.

After signing the contract, the tenant will be able to see the House Guide on the message thread. House guides can be saved in two forms: file and URL. If you wish to replace the previously uploaded House Guide, click 'Upload' to upload a new House Guide.
※ Please be careful of the info like Key procedure.

Must be provided by a third party.

~ 80 meters = 1 min. Please convert the time it takes to walk from the station.
Ex) If the distance from the station is 800 meters, it is 10 minutes away.